Friday 30 March 2012


A couple of teachers wanted to know how to stream wirelessly from the iPad to the classroom projector so I have been exploring this over the last few days with KFL.
There are two sorts of connection: one which mirrors the iPad screen; and one which remotely controls the classroom PC.
Apple TV is the solution to the first
After a few false starts I discovered that the quality of the wireless signal is paramount - it worked intermittently in 411, well in the staff room and quite well in the sixth form common room. I also discovered that you need an HDMI to VGA converter to translate the video and audio signal. But it does mean that the teacher who wants to display anything to the whole class or use the video function to demonstrate good practice to the rest of the class need not be tied to the screen connector at the front. Any student with an iPad can join in and mirror their work onto the screen as well.
We used Splashtop to remotely control the classroom PC. This involves buying an app and installing Their software on the computer. KML got it to work and I eventually got their Whiteboard app to work. When testing it at home I was impressed with this app. It's expensive at £13, but a Promethean Whiteboard costs.....?
I feel pleased that both approaches worked but the shortcomings of the current wireless at school have also been highlighted by the experiments.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Tuesday 27 March 2012

This is a first post to bet started. The purpose is to reflect on the day to day experiences of using my iPad in school and is intended to be open to all staff and students with an iPad.