Wednesday 20 June 2012

Academia Conferene

Having left the kids with their Grandmother I have taken the morning off paternity leave to go to the half day iPad conference run by the company. We had presentations from an Apple Distinguished Educator and from Stephen Byrne from Gumley House.
The first presentation was essentially about how rouse the iPad, so it was god to know I am up to speed! Some useful apps that I didn't know about though...including Popplet for mind mapping as well as GreenScreen and Morfo for playing around with video.
The second was an update to the Gumley House experiment with mobile technology. One of the most interesting points he raised was that the iPad is an effective tool for flagging up students who struggle with independent learning.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday 14 June 2012

Stop Animation

I've downloaded a couple of apps. - the iMotion HD is free - and I'm really impressed. It seems to be one of those things that was made for the device. The other app that I'm playing around with at the moment is Explain Everything. Not quite sure how I'm going to use it yet but it does look a whole lot more interesting way of delivering content than the ubiquitous Ppt.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad