Sunday 22 July 2012

End of Term

We finished the term with a staff survey to go with the student one. I think we have a clear idea for our strategy for September. The first week will be interesting as it always generates a huge amount of paper that can easily be accessed on the iPad.
In the meantime I shall update the wiki and think about some workflows that could work for us.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday 1 July 2012

Write Up of Conference

Academia iPad conference: notes from the keynote speeches

Ben Stanley, Apple Distinguished Educator.
His task essentially was to demonstrate the potential of the iPad and he recommended several useful and fun apps such as Flipboard, Popplet, Soundnotes, Green Screen and Morfo.
He also flagged up the problem we have of not yet having the education volume licensing that they have in the States. He did think that we would get this soon. His other interesting idea was asking students the simple question: what does mobile learning mean to you?

Stephen Byrne of Gumley House School basically talked about his experiences since setting up the iPhone initiative over two years ago. He also posed some interesting food for thought:
Who owns the learning? Who works harder? Teacher or students?
Mobile technology is set up as open access ie Facebook/ Twitter not banned.
Autology is a good investment and students should use it as a first port of call
Students who struggle with independent learning will be flagged up by iPad usage.
In his school the model has been to give iPads to students, not teachers.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad