Wednesday 27 February 2013

New Apps

A couple more new apps: MailShot that is great in that not only does it mean that I can send group emails from my iPad but also because it just works; ClassAct looks as though it has potential, though as a drama teacher it is possibly not as useful as ClassOrganiser.

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Tuesday 19 February 2013

New Focus

I think that, rather than reflect on deployment in our school, I should write about my own personal journey instead. Much of what happens on an institutional level is frustrating and that is not the stuff of a public forum and that has limited this record of the journey of the last 9 months. So, here goes...
I was reading an article in the FT about finding the quality writing on the web and ended up downloading The Browser app which does just that. A top end A level student would find much of interest. I have also discovered that the latest update of Explain Everything has video capability, which is great. As I want to use it try and put as much Inset as possible online to encourage the idea of the flipped meeting!

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