Sunday 27 May 2012


I was updating the wiki and wanted to embed a YouTube video. I found that I couldn't do it using my iPad.... But, as ever, there is a workaround, using a code generator on the Tools 4 Noobs site.
I was in fact adding some info about a couple of mind mapping apps, both of which are excellent. I've added this to a new page, 'Organisation'.

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Friday 25 May 2012


We've got 2 student blogs up and running so I'm really hoping that we can start to get the sort of reflection that will drive the whole initiative forward. I am pleased with the ways I have seen the iPads being used to support learning by the Year 12s.

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Saturday 19 May 2012

Year 12 Bloggers

Hopefully we will start to get some of the Year 12s blogging their experiences. Most will wait until their exams are over but a couple have promised to get going in the next few days.
People seem to have been getting used to their devices so I am adopting a hands off strategy at present. Things are starting to happen in lessons which is good but we need to have a clear idea of where we stand after the exams. As I'm off for the whole of June, it does raise a problem.
Good news and bad news re the Airserver app. It needs at least Vista to run so wont work, but the school is planning to upgrade to Windows7 in September-so we can try then.
No news with lgfl and the bandwidth upgrade. Which is bad news.

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Thursday 10 May 2012

Air Server

The answer to the question of wirelessly mirroring the iPad to the classroom pc (and hence the projector might lie in Airserverapp ( It comes in at a fraction of the price of an Apple TV. I shall investigate further next week.
The other issue that I have been investigating is backup, particularly for the year 12. The easiest way is to use iCloud, but some are already over their 5gb limit. I shall post about this on the wiki.

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Friday 4 May 2012

iPads in action

Now that the sixth form are starting to get their devices, it is interesting to see how their priorities work. Evernote seems to be a hit so I must add the "how to' set up the bookmarklet on the wiki. We also managed to find a way to install Hotmail, circumventing the server restrictions - another comment on the wiki. This weekend I shall make it more student friendly, in preparation for next week's onslaught.

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