Saturday 21 April 2012

Learning Champions

I have been charged with the task of exploring how to use the iPad to support the work of the 'LCs' as an evidence gathering and presentational device.
My first thought was on how to present what would be a mixture of text, photo and video. This is because the sorts of material that would have to be evidenced would include : Video of lessons and interviews, minutes from meetings, scans of student work, data, planning sessions etc..
The main problem is finding an effective way of presenting extended pieces of writing or work that could usefully be zoomed in on. Otherwise a Pages (Apple's Ppt) presentation would suffice. Noteability was considered but lacks video support. So far I have found an app called Portfolio. It is designed for business presentations (and thus commands a business price!) but it does support video, photos and PDF files. It also has a note function for each slide, folders can be shared on other iPads and has Dropbox support.
I then considered which Apps worked best for the sorts of activities that could be envisaged.
The camera is obviously ideal for video, photo and scanning of work. Any of the multitude of wp programmes. There are many Pdf readers that would usefully annotate documents. Noteability and a number of graphically based Apps are great for planning. At the end of the day, it's really down to individual preference. It's about convincing everyone to use the technology.
I'd quite like to explore ePub next....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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